Getting Busy People Fixing Tough Problems

Delivering exceptional performance isn’t easy, especially when everyone’s busy.  A compelling vision and solid plan aren't always enough to deliver sustainable change, and the performance you know is possible. 

The 3P Academy is dedicated to helping businesses like yours to develop a culture of world class continuous improvement, and the breakthrough KPI performance which it enables.

We get operational teams delivering breakthrough performance improvements, to increase productivity, capacity and on-time delivery, reduce quality issues and complaints, and improve customer experience - leading to less stress, and a healthier bottom line.

Our support follows two parallel paths 

Performance through People   Performance through Process

3P Perf through People, and Communication


3P - Process icon

Your people are amazing – one of your biggest business assets.  Some of the time…

Because no matter how talented, dedicated or experienced they are, every one of your people deals with stress and uncertainty every day: Competing priorities, difficult people, tight deadlines…

They’ll take most of those challenges in their stride. But the more they build up, the more they impact performance, which can easily snowball. So we embed the resilience, communication and influence skills to keep your people performing at their collective best, even under pressure.


Process isn’t usually a word to quicken the pulse with excitement.  Yet there’s a process for everything your business does, from welcoming new customers to creating your annual reports. 

When they’re working they get little attention, but when processes aren’t at their best, the mistakes and work-arounds become a silent capacity thief – leaving less time for what everyone’s really meant to be doing. 

And your KPIs get harder to maintain, let alone improve.  You deserve better.

What you Can Expect from Us

Expect from Us graphic
Process Scorecard 3d-book  

Are your processes fully up to scratch?

If your KPI performance is up and down, it’s often because core business processes need improving.  But tapping into your people’s knowledge and experience can make this less challenging than you might have thought. 

Take our free assessment to find out your process performance score - it takes less than 5 minutes.  

You’ll receive a bespoke report which shows what’s going well, and what’s not quite so healthy, with tailored recommendations for the most impactful next steps.  

Scorecard assessment button

Some of our Key Numbers

Performance through People   Process icon   Resulting value icon

People We’ve Trained

Over 1,000

Processes they’ve Improved

More than 5,000

Resulting annual value

Around £75million, and counting…


Unlocking Exceptional Performance