Masterclasses, Presentations and Keynotes

Blending real-world experience with the latest behavioural science, Sue specialises in changing mindsets and behaviours, empowering audiences to develop more resourceful thinking, and unlock performance breakthroughs.

Sue’s engaging style and infectious enthusiasm inspire curiosity and confidence, shaking things up just enough to deliver lasting change.

Sessions are loaded with evidence-based insights, actionable ideas and techniques which can be used straight away to improve communication and collaboration, boost influence, reduce stress and enhance problem-solving.

  Me speaking (Skyhawk) 

Equipping your people to stay at their resourceful best, even when the pressure’s on

Unlocking their ability to

  • Worry less about things they can’t influence
  • Sleep better, and make better decisions
  • Solve problems, communicate and influence more effectively
  • And to perform more consistently, even through uncertainty, challenges and change

Client Organisations Include

Client logos collage

During more than 10 years of delivering to around 25,000 people, from many different types of organisation, Sue's average session satisfaction score is 9.2 out of 10 

Supporting your event's success, to deliver lasting change

As your Speaker, Sue partners with you in delivering lasting value from your event.  This can include copy and teaser videos to help you promote the event and get participants curious and engaged, and gathering participant input (via interviews or pre-session poll) to tailor the session to your audience needs.  

How often have you learned something new, but didn’t use it right away?  By the time you really needed it, you might have forgotten all about it, and that learning is lost.  To stop that from happening, delegates are offered lifelong access to our library of on-line resources, to refresh and add to their skills when they’ll make the biggest difference. 

We can also create a key points summary video for you to share, or host a live drop-in follow-up session to explore how people are using what they learned, and what can be tweaked to make it even more effective.

Speaking at TEDx Nov-23  

Exposing the lie - changing your relationship with stress

Click opposite to watch the talk I delivered for TEDx Warrington, based on one of my most popular topics "How to Keep Stress Useful"

Changing Your Mind Voice - live streamed to 15,000 people


Introduction to 'Ditch the Fear and Then Do It Anyway'

psa fellow  

I'm a Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association - one of around only 70 across the whole of the UK and Ireland.  The PSA is a network of 650+ professional subject matter speakers - if I can’t fulfil your needs, I'll be happy to put you in touch with others.  Click to view the PSA Code of Ethics. 


"Making Wellbeing Work" delivered at the Disrupt HR Conference.  This was a particularly challenging format - exactly 5 minutes, with slides automatically changing every 15 secs. I like to practise what I teach - it was a venture beyond my comfort zone, so the skills I share for keeping stress useful were at the heart of my preparation.

Sue's Most Popular Speaking and Master Class topics include

How to Keep Stress Useful

Catching the Curveball - How to Deal with Uncertainty and Change

No Need to Feel It... Ditch the Fear, and THEN Do It Anyway 

Changing Minds - How to Turn Inertia into Impact

  Me Speaking

If you want a speaker with lasting effects, contact Sue 

Call +44 7800 795929   or Email    [email protected] 

Speaking Testimonials