3P Academy Performance Programme

There’s nothing we love more than working with you to embed the shared skills, systems and language of performance throughout your business. This is typically a 12 month programme, and suits a six-plus-figure business employing 50 or more people.

81% of Continuous Improvement programmes fail to meet their target (Deloitte, 2019)

We’d like yours not to be one of them. 

Our signature blend of Continuous Improvement with behavioural science has delivered over £75million in business value, resolved countless stresses and frustrations, and enabled hundreds of business leaders to deliver the performance breakthroughs which few even thought were possible. 

With hands-on implementation experience at both ends of the world class spectrum, we can support your developing culture of high performance from any starting point.

Every training and mentoring programme is designed bespoke, and is delivered bite-sized to fit into busy schedules.  Workshop sessions are hands-on, so participants apply their new skills to deliver improvements as they learn. 

Projects typically deliver between £15K and £300K of business value within the first few months.  

3P Levels of Activity Graphic

Our role

  • Upskilling and engaging your people – no one knows your business like they do, and solutions they create will be much more sustainable
  • Support to develop and deliver your strategy, focusing on the areas of greatest impact so you don’t get spread too thinly
  • Finding the bright spots to harness the power of building on what’s already working. 
  • Revealing the blind spots - because when you’re up-close to something you really care about, they might be hiding some of your biggest opportunities
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Want to know more about how it works? 

Get in Touch and let's talk