What We Do

We get operational teams delivering breakthrough performance improvements, to increase productivity, capacity and on-time delivery, reduce quality issues and complaints, and improve customer experience - leading to less stress, and a healthier bottom line.

 3P Programme


3P Academy Transformational Programmes

There’s nothing we love more than working with you to embed the shared skills, systems and language of performance throughout your business. This is typically a 12 month programme, and suits a six-plus-figure business employing 50 or more people.

Every programme’s designed bespoke, tailored to your specific needs, and is delivered bite-sized to fit into busy schedules.  Workshop sessions are hands-on, so participants apply their new skills to deliver improvements as they learn – projects typically deliver between £15K and £300K of business value within the first few months.  See more

 3P - Project  

Guided Project or Process Improvement

For smaller businesses or those which want to focus on a specific improvement, we facilitate strategic projects and deliver the first significant step-change within a selected process area.  Using our unique blend of continuous improvement and the latest behavioural science, this can also include Lean Six Sigma Yellow or Green Belt certification for your improvement champions.  See more

 Brain Training  

Masterclasses and Keynote Presentations – developing Resourceful Thinking

Our interactive sessions are designed to equip your people to perform at their best, even under pressure.  There are 12 topics, which can be delivered stand-alone for a conference or away-day, or as a series, including How to Keep Stress Useful, How to Deal with Uncertainty and Change, Handling Difficult Conversations and Effective Decision-Making.

Described as ‘a vitamin boost for the emotional immune system’, the most common outcomes include improved sleep quality, resolving repetitive worrying, improved motivation and problem-solving, and reduced friction in important relationships.  See more

 3P Effective Influence  

Developing Your Leaders

These half-day interactive Masterclasses equip your leaders to navigate the complexity of competing priorities, internal politics and challenging personalities, putting them at the heart of your developing improvement culture.  Topics include how to influence and lead change, communicate more effectively, and deliver exceptional performance (even when everyone’s busy).  See more

 3P Coaching and Consultancy


Coaching and Consultancy

We also work one-to-one with individuals, and with leadership and change teams for personally targeted skills development.  Designed to help you cut through the complexity to fast-track your improvements, overcome the blind spots, and deliver performance improvements more swiftly and smoothly.  See more

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